Leadership and Faith with Joy Olusile (2)

The second part of my interview with Joy

How were you able to pull through your downtimes as a leader?
Okay. As a leader I had God, I have my family, and I had my friends. Those were the three major groups that helped me through my downtimes. The people you are leading most times do not even need to know you are not okay because you need them to be strong. If you need to be strong, you can’t be showing them you are down.

 A lot of times when I was hospitalized, people that I was leading did not even know that the person who was giving them instruction was on the hospital bed.

So, by the time you give room for your downtimes to be an excuse for you not to work but the time the people you are leading are also down they wouldn’t work because they feel like when you were also down you didn’t work. I’m not saying that when it’s life, it’s a life-threatening situation... You can take a break, but it depends on the example you are trying to put out there, basically. 

Then when you have friends, supportive friends, family, and God would always help you understand and know what to do. And he helps you and put you back up in due time.

I see you act, tell us a little about your journey into it.

Okay acting has always been it for me since forever. Since I was young. At some point, I wanted to go to school to study theatre arts but things happened. God shifted my plans and I am grateful for that. But I still love acting because it’s a part of me. That’s like my character cause naturally, I am a drama queen and I am not shy of the camera either or a stage either so it just blends my drama on the stage to bless people. That’s it for me.

 And furthermore, in the future, I would love to act if I am given the opportunity to. Yes I will definitely love to act.

Your Advice to leaders
My advice to leaders is that first you shouldn’t see yourself as the boss. When you see yourself as the boss it doesn’t draw people close to you. Also, know the people that you are leading individually, as I said earlier. There’s nothing like a leader that cares about you. 

When you have a leader that cares about you, your opinions, cares about your personal life, cares about you as a person, you are more devoted to that person than somebody that doesn’t really care. Sometimes, it’s not even about the pay or the profit, it’s about the relationship.

So, as a leader, you are not just building a work-based relationship, but a relationship to impact life that’s the reason you are leading and whatever you want your followers to make sure they know that they are also down to earth to do these things. Be what they can follow. Be in front directly. 
Don’t sit down and cross your legs and push other people’s children forward. It doesn’t help.

How were to overcome the challenges leadership brought your way?
I pray to God. Ask for wisdom. Ask the people above me. I ask a lot of questions. My predecessor, I ask them questions. People that I have gone ahead of me, I ask them questions. Ask questions. Somebody has been through what you are going through.
It’s just that the means they took may not be what you are going to take. But the lessons they learned, you might be able to apply it for your own self and jump through some hurdles.

On a lighter note, how do you relax?
Oh my God, do I relax?, Do I relax. Laughs. Okay, I cool off with my friends basically most time cause I have communication issues a lot. So, most times I spend my spare time and free time with my friend so I am able to communicate with them and still keep it up with their life cause they are a huge part of my life. I cool off with God. I relax with God as well. I listen to music. Christian music. I dance to praise songs; I dance a lot. I take walks a lot of time, prayer walks, victory walks, I take a lot of walks, really. So, a lot of times I just plug my ear and take a walk and thank God. So that’s how I relax.

 Thank you so much Joy. God bless you.

You can connect with Joy on her social media handle @Joyshile


  1. Wow, insightful!

    I remember when I used to act too😪

  2. Thank you so much for reading❤. Hope you get back to acting if it's something you want to do.

  3. Amazing insights here.


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