Every time God gives us a promise, either through a dream, personally, through his word or through people, it always brings joy to the heart of a believer. It's an evidence of God's love to us.

The promise may come in times of storms, in times of confusion, when we are at cross roads and even when everything seems alright.

Some of these promises may take time before they are fulfilled. They are time bound, and that's where the waiting period comes into play. The phase between the release of the promise and the fulfillment.

So, why the wait?

The waiting period is for building. The waiting period is a testing period. God needs to build and prune us. He needs to remove impurities that will hinder the promise. He needs to see our readiness for what he has promised.

A major example is, Jesus Christ.
Jesus's ministry started at 30, and before then God was building him for the work ahead. Even in the prison, God was training Joseph on how to be a leader. How much more us.

The waiting period is not always tolerable most times. At some point, it may look as though God has forgotten us, or he's being too hard on us. But it's all for our benefit.

So, while waiting, what do I do to make the waiting period a fruitful one?

Start from the Foundation
A house without a strong foundation cannot stand the test of time. The foundation is what will hold the building underneath. Our foundation will determine if we remain strong when the promises take a while, or we get blown away by the storm. And only a foundation built on "Christ" will stand the storm After the foundation, we keep building. A number of the ingredients needed for building are contained in Gal 5:22. We keep investing in ourselves. And when the promise comes, it doesn't catch us unprepared. If it does, we may lose it.

Hold on to the Word.
When God gives us a word let's hold on to it. If there's a need, let's put them in writing and stick them to the wall in our rooms. Only the word of God will save us in the day of adversity. Our human strength will fail us. And we garner strength for the waiting period through the word.

While we are waiting, do what waiters do- serve.
We have probably heard this a lot of times. Serve God and serve humanity. And let me add, that no platform is too small to serve. Joseph's dream of many years came to pass in the place of service. Joseph served even in the prison! While we are waiting, we must not be idle.

Stop the Comparison!
This can make us feel like God has forgotten us. But remember, He makes everything beautiful in His own time. Our seasons differ. Let's stop the comparison. At the right moment, everything will fall into place.

Either we believe it or not, the day the promise was released something happened in the spirit realm. It may just not have materialized. God is committed to fulfilling every one of the promises He made to us. So, what do we do? We thank Him as though He has done it already.

On a final note, popularly, after rain comes sunshine. So, the rain may be heavy now and the storm may be raging as though it's going to overcome us but God will never allow it. And God is never late. He's always on time.

What do you think can help us in our waiting period? Please drop them in the comment section. I'll be glad to read them and your comments too.


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